Sunday, 8 April 2012

CILIP North West Members Day - Chester, 15th March 2012

The 15th March found me sticking my hand up and agreeing to write up the day the CILIP NW newsletter. I'll link to that article when it is published.

The offical version aside I did enjoy the day even if it was all a bit cosy for my liking. I also felt in a strange way that I'd heard a lot of it before. We know we need to talk to people outside our own sectors, that gets reiterated time and time again at conferences, the first time for me was at a gathering at Ridgmont Street (Sorry CILIP HQ) years ago shortly after I had started working at Trafford. We also know that we want more value for our CILIP membership although I'll admit that this time more progress seems to be being made in streamlining the organisation and creating a tangible offer. Certainly Annie Mauger has been very visible over the last year, not least fighting battles at the CMS Select Comittee into the future of public libraries. (

The thing is although I enjoyed the event I've struggled to bring anything tangible from it, unless finding some work experience at a health library counts. Whenever I go to events such as these I try and make myself a promise that I will use one thing I have learnt to bring about change to my own service or personal development. This time I haven't been able to do that, although I found the presentations interesting nothing really clicked, or at least nothing that I could apply in a FE setting. Certainly Nikki Heath's determination was an inspiration but I'm already working on building better links with tutors within the college and doing my best to encourage reading for pleasure. Maybe I need to be more innovative in this area and try out something really radical but what this might be I don't knwo at this point. Updates to follow I suppose...

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