Monday, 27 February 2012

23 Things

23 Things have been around for a while, in fact I think I looked at it the first time I investigated Chartership a couple of years ago. However it cropped up recently on another Blog I was reading and I thought I would have another look at it.

Although I've started using Twitter I'm struggling to really get going with it and I'm well aware that I'm not as up to date with new web technologies as I might be. I thought working my way through 23 Things might give me some direction and give me something to Tweet.

Here's hoping....


  1. Ticked off which ever Thing involves Twitter today!

  2. Right so I'm making a start tonight. I reckon I can tick Thing 1, 2 and 4 off the list. (That said I've had to do some hasty investigation into Pushnote which I've never heard of before today)

    Thing 3 is a bit more difficult. This blog was started off as a personal one but it is rapidly becoming more and more professional. That's not to say I won't still blog any art I do but it's looking more and more like a librarians blog rather than an artist's one.

    Conversely, while this blog is a bit of a mix I keep my other online profiles very separate, Facebook is for my friends and hockey. Twitter, although I've just signed up to it, is for work. I make a point of not even Facebook friending any of my colleagues, something which has raised a few eyebrows. I keep my Facebook profile very personal with only friends able to view it, frankly if I don't know you, I don't want you knowing what I'm up to.

  3. Skipped a few Things recently but gave my first Prezi (Thing 17) for my PTLLS microteach. I only had 6 people in the audience but as they had never seen Prezi before I got really good feedback. I also enjoyed this dazzling (and very relevant) Prezi which got promoted on the recent Chartership chat on Twitter.

    I also attended the 2012 Members Day for the NW CILIP Branch recently and will be doing a write up for the newsletter so I reckon that's got to be at least part of Things 16 and 17 although there is still a bit for me to do for those.

  4. I'm not really approaching this in a very structured way, I haven't done anything for ages and I'm really picking and chosing from the 23 Things. This week I decided to have a look at Pinterest and Wordle. However I can't get Wordle to work with this Blog and am waiting for an invite from Pinterest so i guess things are on hold again.

    That said I did find this useful article which gave me some inspiration:

  5. So the Wordle problem wasn't anything that switching to Sarfari couldn't fix. I love my Mac! I'm already thinking of ways we could use Wordle to liven some of our marketing material at college. My first response though is 'This is Fun!' I love the way you can randomise your clouds and try out lots of different variations - so easy

    I wish it would ignore the html links though. I'm not always very good about using Tiny Urls and so I have some big weblinks making the cloud look a bit odd.

    Just answered my own question, you can right click on selected words to remove them. I love this!!

  6. I got my invite through from Pinterest this weekend and after a few teething problems managed to get logged in. I have to admit this is one of those things which I'm not sure about. Unlike Evernote and Wordle which I also signed up to this weekend I can't see any immediate applications for my work. Certainly there is scope for collaborative projects and maybe an application for our art students but I was a lot more excited by Evernote and Wordle. I also wonder (like Evernote) how it would work with the restricted network at college.
    I obviously need to do some research and build up followees and followers but I have my doubts as to whether I will put the effort in. I can capture images in a similar way with Evernote and I'm thinking that this where I should concentrate my energy as I can't play with everything online otherwise I'd never get any 'work' done.

    1. It seems there are some uses for Pinterest after all. I wonder if you could adapt the last point to create a board of book covers that students would like the library to purchase.

  7. I've had a real break from even thinking about 23 Things, Chartership seems to have taken over my life recently as has recent developments at work. (More on that later if everything works out.)
    I did spend a bit of time in July developing my Prezi skills, I was disappointed to find that you can't use it on the ipad- you can only view the Prezi's you have made. It's not totally finished but I was please with transitions in it, plus it uses Wordle. You might also be able to guess whatrealised I've been busy with at work from it.

    You can see it here

    With the news that iGoogle would be disappearing by the end of the year I also decided to have another look at RSS Feeds. (Part of Thing 4) However after having a poke around at different options I realised that I don't really need RSS Feeds anymore. Since starting to Tweet earlier in the year more and more of my news is coming from that source - and because I can tailor who I follow it is a brilliant mix of things really relevant to my interests and things I would never have looked at but find fascinating. I like to think of Twitter like a library, you can either go straight to what you need or wander around hoping for serendipity to come into play.
